[NHCOLL-L:1987] Infections contracted from Museum specimens

Clare Valentine cv at nhm.ac.uk
Wed Jul 9 12:40:19 EDT 2003

Dear All,

We are trying to gather some information to help us with our Health and 
Safety protocols.....

Has anyone ever heard from colleagues either in the UK or abroad of a 
museum professional being infected by human pathogens from specimens? We 
are  particularly interested in any incidents involving prepared specimens 
lodged in the collections (mammal/vertebrate or even invertebrate 
material).  Or indeed if you know of any examples of infections contracted 
from bush-meat or unprepared specimens.  Even a negative response 
of  "never heard of any such instances" - would also be much appreciated!


Ms. Clare Valentine
Head of Collections
Department of Zoology
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
South Kensington

Tel: + 00 44 (0)207 942 5521
Fax: + 00 44 (0)207 942 5054
Mobile: + 00 44 (0)9977 690146
e-mail: c.valentine at nhm.ac.uk

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