[NHCOLL-L:1956] Printers for permanent labels, and for color printing

Deborah A Lewis dlewis at iastate.edu
Thu Jun 19 15:55:21 EDT 2003

Hello, all,

I know this is a topic that comes up "every once in a while" here, but 
would like to be updated as to the latest thinking. What is the best kind 
of printer (b/w) for making permanent labels for herbarium specimens or 
other dry collections? Are laser printers better than inkjets? Are some 
brands better than others? Is the photocopier dry-toner technology better 
than either?

I see that at least one color printer is described as "archival" (Epson 
Stylus? also a Canon?). Do they really mean archival in our sense of the 
word? So have color printers improved for print longevity?

For color printers, it looks like both paper and type of ink (pigment- or 
dye-based) have to match to get good quality. Is this also true for b/w 

Are there websites that keep all this information updated, so I won't have 
to bother the group again "next time"?

Many thanks!
Deb Lewis

Deborah Q. Lewis, Curator
Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC)             E-mail: dlewis at iastate.edu
Department of Botany                        Phone: [1] 515-294-9499
Iowa State University                         FAX:  [1] 515-294-1337
Ames, IA  50011-1020

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