[NHCOLL-L:2078] Polyvinylacetate glue

Alexander Riedel alexander_riedel at web.de
Wed Sep 17 04:43:26 EDT 2003

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for a source of supply for the Polyvinylacetete (PVA)-glue Gelva V25 by Dupont, or for a suitable substitute. It comes as granulate material; in alcoholic solution it is a superior glue for point-mounting insects: it holds the specimens extremely well to the cardboard point; it is transparent; it is suitable for archival purposes; when the specimens are relaxed in water, the glue becomes soft and rubbery so that it can be pulled off without leaving any residues on the specimen.

I received a sample from a colleague years ago. He told me that it was manufactured by Dupont, but that that it was no longer available. As a possible substitute I have tested Mowilith produced by Hoechst. However, even the less viscous Mowilith V20 is relatively hard to remove from the specimen when they are relaxed. The next grade Mowilith V30 is even worse in this respect. Both Gelva and Mowilith are PVAs, but there seem to be some differences depending on the manufacturer.

PVA glues are widely used in all-purpose-glues, such as Elmar´s. I want to avoid using one of those. There are usually other, unknown components added, that may reduce its value for archival purposes. Furthermore, the composition may be changed from the manufacturer without notice. And, the nice thing about the alcoholic solution is that you can have it in more or less viscous solution, adjusting it to your immediate needs. That is not possible with emulsions such as Elmar´s.

So, I want to ask if anybody is using a PVA glue that could be a substitute for Gelva V25. Any suggestion for a source would be much appreciated.

Dr. Alexander Riedel
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde
Erbprinzenstr. 13
D-76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel ++49 721 175 2867
Fax ++49 721 175 2110 
email: riedel at smnk.de

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