[NHCOLL-L:2093] Call for papers for Collection Forum

Janet Waddington janetw at rom.on.ca
Mon Sep 29 16:15:41 EDT 2003

This is an invitation to submit manuscripts to Collection Forum, the
journal of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History
Collections (SPNHC). Collection Forum is an internationally respected
peer reviewed journal. We have recently revised the selection criteria
to reflect the fact that papers in Collection Forum do not just address
research on natural history collections care. 

Papers published in Collection Forum are intended to reflect the spirit
of SPNHC, which follows:
SPNHC is a multi disciplinary organization composed of individuals who
are interested in development and preservation of natural history
collections. Natural history collections include specimens and
supporting documentation, such as audio-visual materials, labels,
library materials, field data, and similar archives. Preservation refers
to any direct or indirect activity providing continued and improved care
of these collections and supporting documents. The Society actively
encourages the participation of individuals involved with all aspects of
natural history collections. 

Articles for Collection Forum are six to 30 pages double-spaced
(approximately 7500 words) including abstract and literature cited, plus
figures and tables.  They may include original contributions to the
literature or significant review articles dealing with aspects of the
development and preservation of natural history collections. 
Contributions may include, but are not restricted to, reports of
research and methodologies for the collection, preparation,
conservation, storage, and documentation of specimens, and discussion of
some philosophical, theoretical, and historical aspects of natural
history collection management.  Case studies that serve to document or
augment a philosophy, methodology, or research activity will be
considered, but general descriptions of a specific collection or
institution are not accepted. Short technical notes describing an
innovative technique for preparation or storage will also be

The following points are considered when papers are reviewed for
Collection Forum: 
1) Is the content appropriate to the purpose of the journal and
2) Does the title reflect the thrust and limitations of the paper?  
3) Are the contents clearly and logically presented and the paper well
4) Does the paper contribute to the body of knowledge and literature? 

5) Is the study integrated with existing knowledge and literature?  Is
the literature cited appropriate for the study?  
6) Are the tables and figures clearly presented? Are they necessary to
support the text? 
If the paper presents research, 
7) Is the methodology technically and logically sound?  and 
8) Are the conclusions supported by sufficient data?  

Please visit the SPNHC web site at www.spnhc.org to view past titles
and abstracts or contact the Managing Editor directly to submit a

Janet Waddington
Assistant Curator, Palaeobiology
Managing Editor, Collection Forum
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen's Park
Toronto, ON
Canada M5S 2C6
Phone  (416) 586-5593
Fax  (416) 586-5863
Email  janetw at rom.on.ca

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