[NHCOLL-L:2258] FW: wet collections - jar sealing tape

janet gillette jgillette at MNA.mus.az.us
Wed Apr 21 17:29:23 EDT 2004

What type of tape is most often used to decrease evaporation in jars
containing fluid-preserved specimens.  I've contacted 3M (both US & Canada)
to track down the polypropylene/acrylic adhesive tape (product #5086) listed
in Steigerwald & Laframboise (1996) without success.


Does anyone have advice what other products work well and where/how to order


Thanks in advance for any assistance.





Janet Whitmore Gillette

Museum of Northern Arizona

3101 N. Fort Valley Road

Flagstaff, AZ  86001

(928) 774-5211 ext 265

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