[NHCOLL-L:2399] tiger moth specimens sought

Dennis Paulson dpaulson at ups.edu
Mon Aug 23 15:59:04 EDT 2004

A colleague of mine in the UK sent me this. If there is anyone out 
there with specimens of Arctia caja who would be willing to furnish 
them (or parts thereof) for this study, I'm sure it would be greatly 
appreciated. You can write him directly:

Kelvin Conrad
kelvin.conrad at bbsrc.ac.uk


>  > >Over the last five years, I have been studying the population and
>  > >spatial dynamics of Arctia caja, the Garden Tiger Moth, or Great Tiger
>  > >Moth, as I believe it is called in the western US. Currently, my wife
>  > >and I have a Phd student who is a whiz with molecular techniques and she
>  > >would like to do Garden Tiger molecular phylogeography as part of her
>>  >Phd.
>>  >
>  > >Could you point me to a source of material from the western US? Freshly
>  > >killed specimens in 95% alcohol are best, but Sarah is skilled enough to
>  > >make do with a foreleg from a dried museum specimen.
>>  >
>>  >Regards,
>>  >
>  > >-Kelvin

Dennis Paulson, Director                           phone 253-879-3798
Slater Museum of Natural History                 fax 253-879-3352
University of Puget Sound                       e-mail dpaulson at ups.edu
1500 N. Warner, #1088
Tacoma, WA 98416-1088

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