[NHCOLL-L:2295] archival audio recording

sam sam at qty.com
Sun May 23 15:38:18 EDT 2004

Re: Audio recording systems for oral histories

Hi all-

I am seeking advice here because I'm sure some of you have experience with 
the subject and because this seems to be the most appropriate of the few 
listservs that I am subscribed to.

I am a newbie to recording oral histories.
I ordered four how-to books on the subject.
Regarding sound recording equipment, however, authors may not be expert on 
archival issues, and technology information becomes out-of-date even if 
they are.

I would like to use Standard Audio Cassette because I am familiar with it, 
I can watch the tape move, and with a suitable machine I can monitor what 
was just recorded.  But is tape long-lived enough?

What's best to use for recording the live, audio only, interview?
Having done that, do I need to transfer to another medium for archiving?


Sam Sumida
P.S.  Here's a CNN article about CD, DVD vulnerability to damage.

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