[NHCOLL-L:2616] Printer Upgrade

Thomas E. Labedz tlabedz at unlserve.unl.edu
Wed Apr 6 11:34:36 EDT 2005

Fellow Collection Care Professionals:

We are upgrading computer systems and wish to upgrade printers as well.
For tags and labels I've had great success with pushing card stock, as
small as 3 x 5 inches, through HP LaserJet 5L and 6L printers.  These
have been real workhorses in two-sided tag generation with fonts down to
the 4-point size (depending on toner cartridge quality).

What I'm asking you for are printer models with which you have had
success in pushing card-stock or tag-stock weight paper through for
generation of tags and labels?  I'm also concerned with consistent
feeding of tag paper.  With the 5L and 6L I've been able to keep
"registration" variance within 1 mm from one side of the sheet to the
other, necessary for printing multiple, small, 2-sided tags on a single
sheet.  An example suggestion has been the Brother Laser Printer Model

We do mitigate for toner adherence problems on the thicker paper and
take precautions against future loss of information by hand inking the
catalog number on all tags and labels.

I truly appreciate any assistance or advice you might have.

Thomas E. Labedz,  Collections Manager
    Division of Zoology and Division of Botany
    University of Nebraska State Museum
    W-436 Nebraska Hall
    Lincoln, NE  68588-0514
        402/472-8366   fax 402/472-8949
        tlabedz1 at unl.edu    www-museum.unl.edu

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