[NHCOLL-L:2711] ETOH recycling

Gianluca Polgar polgar at alfanet.it
Thu Jun 16 06:57:32 EDT 2005

Dear all,

does anyone know wether it's possible to recycle ETOH solutions for DNA 
I often have to change the solution of the jars where I preserve fishes 
(initial conc.: 95%vol= 92.4%wt) and I wonder wether there's a method to 
recycle all that expensive ETOH solution!
I tried to distill it, but I don't know how to determine the ETOH 
concentration from the boiling temperature of the solution.
Of course the solution that I intend to recycle contains lots of components 
that the samples (fishes, in my case) released.
The second and third fractions have a boiling temp. of 82-85°C, much higher 
than the boiling point of the azeotrope (95wt% ETOH: about 78°C)...

Is there a "rule of thumb" method?
I have to obtain a 90-95% ETOH solution at last.




Gianluca Polgar
Ph.D. student
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Rome, Italy

tel. 3488851198/ 0637518472
e-mail: polgar at alfanet.it - Gianluca.Polgar at uniroma1.it

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