[NHCOLL-L:2733] FW: Registrar vs. Collections Manager vs. Curator of Collections

Diane Gutenkauf dgutenkauf at exhibitworks.com
Thu Jun 23 15:45:06 EDT 2005

More from the Registrar's list that might be helpful. 
Diane Gutenkauf


From: Registrars Committee of the AAM [mailto:RCAAM at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU]
On Behalf Of Gibson, Cecelia
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Registrar vs. Collections Manager vs. Curator of

Hi Pamela, 


I have found that these titles are used differently at each institution.
Quite often they are one in the same, but to me a Registrar is someone
who is responsible for the management of the records associated with the
object, both paper and electronic.  I see a Collections Manager as the
person responsible for the physical care and preservation of the
objects.  They make sure the objects are safe and secure whether in
storage or on display.  And finally, I see the Curator of Collections as
the person responsible for the contextual development of the objects.  I
hope this helps and I look forward to reading what other people's
opinions on the subject are.





Cecelia Gibson

Exhibitions Registrar

National Building Museum

401 F Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001

(202) 272-2448 ext. 3103

Fax. (202) 272-2011 




From: Registrars Committee of the AAM [mailto:RCAAM at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU]
On Behalf Of Pamela Elbe
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:45 PM
Subject: Registrar vs. Collections Manager vs. Curator of Collections


I have a pretty basic question for everyone out there.


What is the difference (duties-wise) between a registrar, collections
manager, and curator of collections?  We've gone through some staff
changes recently and will be updating some museum policies soon and I
want to be certain that my title appropriately reflects what I do.


Thanks in advance for your assistance!



Pamela Elbe

Collections Manager and Archivist

National Museum of American Jewish Military History

1811 R St. NW, Washington DC  20009

p: 202.265.6280 x201 

f: 202.462.3192

http://www.nmajmh.org <http://www.nmajmh.org/> 


Don't miss our new exhibition, Reconnaissance and Recollection: Military
and Civilian Photographs from World War II-the photographs of Sy


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