[NHCOLL-L:2751] Re: archival vials

Charlene Fricker cfricker at fieldmuseum.org
Thu Jun 30 08:58:10 EDT 2005

I haven't had luck finding these either.  But I found a suitable box 
substitute made of polystyrene.  The company that manufactures them is 
Althor Products.  I've been using the showman boxes, and they've been 
great for my needs.

On Wednesday, June 29, 2005, at 03:41 PM, Schubert, Blaine W. wrote:

> Anyone know if there are archival vials that are plastic?
> Thanks,
> Blaine
Charlene Fricker

Charlene Fricker
Collections Manager, Fossil Invertebrates
Geology Department
The Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL  60605-2496

312/665-7631 (direct)
312/665-7641 (fax)

cfricker at fieldmuseum.org

http://www.fmnh.org (Field Museum website)

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