[NHCOLL-L:2853] Do not ship specimens in flat envelopes

Paul Callomon callomon at acnatsci.org
Mon Oct 3 11:51:04 EDT 2005

With apologies for cross postings:

I have just taken delivery of another envelope full of powder and bits that was once a specimen. This was a padded envelope, and the sender probably thought the small (about 6 mm diameter) specimen was safe between two sheets of bubble wrap. 
Be warned: all flat envelopes, padded or not, are likely to pass through sets of rollers at least once during post office handling. Unless you're very lucky, this will efficiently crush anything fragile inside. Use a box or mailing tube instead.


Paul Callomon
Collections Manager
Malacology, Invertebrate Paleontology and General Invertebrates
Department of Malacology
Academy of Natural Sciences
1900 Parkway, Philadelphia PA 19103-1195, USA
Tel 215-405-5096
Fax 215-299-1170
Secretary, American Malacological Society
On the web at http://erato.acnatsci.org/ams/

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