[NHCOLL-L:2857] lists of mammal types in collections

Teresa Kearney kearney at nfi.co.za
Thu Oct 6 06:59:29 EDT 2005

Thank you to all who responded to my recent request regarding the use of

I'm now trying to find out if there are any other published lists of type
material of mammal species like the one prepared for collections in Southern
and East Africa, but for other parts of the world.

The list for Southern and East Africa collections is: A list of Zoological
and Botanical types preserved in collections in Southern and East Africa,
Vol. I (Zoology), Part. I. 1958. Published by the South African Museum's
Association with the aid of a Grant from the South African Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research.

Much appreciated
Teresa Kearney

Curator, Mammals
Vertebrate Department
Transvaal Museum
PO Box 413

Phone +27 12 3227632
Fax +27 12 3227939

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