[NHCOLL-L:2836] Job: U Minnesota Curator

Sharon A Jansa jansa003 at tc.umn.edu
Thu Sep 22 15:38:53 EDT 2005

This ad to be featured in the 30 September issue of Science

Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota

The Bell Museum of Natural History at the University of Minnesota
announces a 9-month tenure-track position for an assistant professor and
museum curator (www.bellmuseum.org/curator.html). The successful candidate
will have an active, specimen-based research program involving amphibians,
reptiles, or non-insect invertebrates, emphasizing a conceptual focus such
as biodiversity, biogeography, coevolution, comparative biology,
conservation, evo-devo, paleontology, phylogenetics, population processes,
or other related topical areas. In addition to maintaining an innovative,
extramurally funded research program, the successful candidate will be
expected to contribute to the education mission of the University, curate
either the Amphibian & Reptile or Invertebrate collection, and help
maintain scientific content and accuracy in the museum's outreach
programs. A Ph.D. is required and post-doctoral experience is
preferred. Bell Museum curators hold tenure in a variety of academic
departments across the University and the tenure-home for this position
will be determined based on the research focus and potential curricular
contributions of the successful applicant. Please send a CV; up to five
selected reprints; statements of research, teaching, and curatorial
interests; and names and full contact information of three references to
Search Committee, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. S.E.,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104. Applications will be
considered beginning 11 November 2005.   The University of Minnesota is an
equal opportunity educator and employer.

Sharon Jansa
Curator of Mammals, Bell Museum of Natural History
Assistant Professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
University of Minnesota
1987 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN  55105

jansa003 at umn.edu
(612) 624-6293

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