[NHCOLL-L:2913] Striving for Excellence in Operations

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Mon Jan 9 08:55:39 EST 2006

Are you anxious about the year ahead?  Wondering how you can help your
museum get to the next level?  Do you struggle with planning and
figuring out what the next steps should be?  If you answered "yes" to
any of these questions, think about applying to participate in the
Museum Assessment Program (MAP).  MAP can help your museum choose a path
towards excellence - a step at a time.  Through a confidential process
of self-study and peer review, your museum will create a future instead
of letting the future just happen.  What a great new year's resolution!
Apply for the February 15, 2006 postmark deadline for MAP today!  
Applications are available at
http://www.aam-us.org/museumresources/map/apply.cfm.  Eligible
applicants will be accepted into the program on a first-come,
first-served basis. 
Under a new Cooperative Agreement with the Institute of Museum and
Library Services (IMLS), the American Association of Museums (AAM) has
streamlined the program, making it more accessible to the field. Changes
this year include a decrease in the number of days (now 90) your museum
must be open to be eligible, and museums with budgets under $125,000 can
now participate for free. AAM covers all Surveyor travel costs (up to a
cap) and participants receive a $150 Resource Packet from the AAM
Bookstore at the completion of their assessment.
Applicants will be notified in May or June, at which time successful
candidates will begin the assessment process.
For more information, or to request a hard copy of the application, call
202/289-9118 or e-mail map at aam-us.org.
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