[NHCOLL-L:2937] IPM Questionnaire

Rachael Arenstein rachaelarenstein at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 23 19:46:00 EST 2006

One of the primary results of the 2005 Integrated Pest Management Working 
Group meeting is the creation of a website – www.museumpests.net - which is 
now live.  The IPM Working Group is a group of museum professionals 
concerned about IPM issues, who meet on an ad hoc basis.

While much of the site is still a work in progress, the group has developed 
a questionnaire to assess the needs of the museum community with regards to 
Integrated Pest Management.  The goal is to survey the current status of 
pest management in institutions and determine what is needed to improve that 
effort.  This feedback will allow participants at future IPM Working Group 
meetings to more specifically meet the IPM goals of the museum community.

All information gathered in this questionnaire is confidential; the names of 
individuals and institutions that participate will not be posted.  A 
compilation of results and statistics will be posted on the 
www.museumpests.net website for the benefit of all readers after the 
upcoming 2006 IPM Working Group meeting.  We are particularly eager to have 
as many responses before the meeting, which will be held February 27-28, 

As an extra incentive (as if helping the cause of museum pest management 
were not enough) the first 50 people to complete and return their 
questionnaire will receive a free identification poster entitled “Common 
Museum Pests of North America”, courtesy of Insects Limited, Inc.  In order 
to receive the poster all identifying information must be filled out (i.e. 
name, institution, mailing address, etc.).

Feedback on the site can be sent to Rachael Perkins Arenstein at 
rachaelarenstein at hotmail.com.  Please put IPM website in the subject line or 
messages will not be opened.  Thank you for your input.

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