[NHCOLL-L:2947] Bouin's solution

James B. Ladonski jladonski at fieldmuseum.org
Tue Jan 31 16:09:44 EST 2006

Hi everyone,

We have a collection of reptiles that recently came to us in Bouin's 
solution.  For the time being we are keeping them in this solution vs. 
transferring them to 70% ethanol.  Can anyone offer references, experience, 
or insight as to the "correct" thing to do with these specimens?

Should they stay in Bouin's?  What are the potential long-term effects?  Or 
should we transfer them to ethanol and if so, should they be stepped up as 
if they were in formalin?

Finally, we have a request pending to borrow one of the specimens.  For 
shipping purposes, can the specimen be temporarily moved to ethanol, or 
should it remain in Bouin's for transit and in the care of the borrower?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Mr. James B. Ladonski
Assistant Collections Manager
Division of Amphibians and Reptiles
The Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL  60605-2496  USA
phone:  312-665-7722
fax:  312-665-7697
email:  jladonski at fieldmuseum.org

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