[NHCOLL-L:3282] acid blue

Gianluca Polgar polgar at alfanet.it
Mon Jan 15 11:49:24 EST 2007

Dear all,

does anyone know where to buy on line the "Acid 
blue" to stain the neuromasts (head papillae) of gobies?


Gianluca Polgar

Gianluca Polgar
Ph.D. student
c/o Prof. G. Ardizzone
Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo,
V.le dell'Università, 32
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
00185, Rome (Italy)
tel. 3488851198 / 0637518472
polgar at alfanet.it
gianluca.polgar at uniroma1.it
website: www.themudskipper.org


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