[NHCOLL-L:3304] How to repair a hole in Buffalo?

Shellie Eagan Shellie.Eagan at utsa.edu
Thu Jan 25 16:52:26 EST 2007

Dear Esteemed Colleagues:

I recently noticed a hole about the size of a person's small hand
(fist-shaped) with a portion of the fur/hide still attached on the
Buffalo. The hole is visible to patrons walking towards it and is on the
middle flank of the Buffalo's body. Our Buffalo is authentic and is on
display on the exhibit floor. The buffalo was donated to us and
instructed to be used as a 'touchable' artifact on the exhibit floor.
This Buffalo is old (The other Buffalo we have is much newer, which is
not allowed to be touched by patrons and is secured out of reach). There
is a sign in front of the old Buffalo that allows people to touch the
old Buffalo to feel its fur. It is believed a patron may have
accidentally bumped it.  Please, advise on how to repair the damage and
what measures could be taken to prevent further damage.

Thank you,
Shellie Eagan
Curator of Collections
UTSA's Institute of Texan Cultures
801 S. Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
San Antonio's Cultural Experience Museum

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