[NHCOLL-L:3466] FW: Bird mounts

Shirley Albright Shirley.Albright at SOS.STATE.NJ.US
Wed Jun 20 11:30:08 EDT 2007

I'm forwarding this request from a colleague who could use some advice.
Please respond to him AND to the list.   I'm sure there are others in
similar binds.

Shirley S. Albright
Assistant Curator, Natural History Collections and Exhibitions,
Collections Database Administrator
New Jersey State Museum
33 W. State St., 3rd floor
PO Box 530
Trenton, NJ  08625-0530
(Office)  609.292.6331
(Fax)     609.292.7636

-----Original Message-----
From: Registrars Committee of the AAM [mailto:RCAAM at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU]
On Behalf Of rpennin1
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Bird mounts

Thank you Shirley,

I am dealing with something more than just dust. Needs deeper cleaning.
mounts are old. I don't know how to test for arsnic and we are probably
least two states away from a taxidermy consrvator.

Thanks for your response,


>===== Original Message From Registrars Committee of the AAM
>Are you dealing with dust on the feathers or something else?   Is it
>surface cleaning that is needed or something deeper?   A lot of museums
>have allowed guests to touch taxidermy mounts in the past before the
>arsenic/mercuric salt issue was brought to the foreground.  So, you may
>need to know a little bit about how your taxidermy mount was used.
>I would suggest working with a skilled taxidermy conservator if you
>one in your area.
>Shirley S. Albright
>Assistant Curator, Natural History Collections and Exhibitions,
>Collections Database Administrator
>New Jersey State Museum
>33 W. State St., 3rd floor
>PO Box 530
>Trenton, NJ  08625-0530
>(Office)  609.292.6331
>(Fax)     609.292.7636
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Registrars Committee of the AAM [mailto:RCAAM at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU]
>On Behalf Of rpennin1
>Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:33 AM
>Subject: Bird mounts
>Can any one tell me or point me in the right direction for cleaning the
>feathers on taxidermied bird mounts?
>I would be greatful for any help....
>Robert Pennington, Registrar
>The Frank H. McClung Museum
>The University of Tennessee
>1327 Circle Park Drive
>Knoxville, TN 37996-3200
>865-974-6384/865-974-3827 FAX

Robert Pennington, Registrar
The Frank H. McClung Museum
The University of Tennessee
1327 Circle Park Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-3200
865-974-6384/865-974-3827 FAX

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