Gregory Watkins-Colwell gregory.watkins-colwell at yale.edu
Thu Nov 15 08:27:37 EST 2007

I've gotten a few replies off list about the DHL issue.  Seems like 
all the examples are via JFK airport.  Has anyone had this via another airport?

Also, has anybody tried to e-mail the DHL contact e-mail address 
listed for the broker on the 3-177?

I'm also bothered by the fact that at least 2 folks have said that 
3-177's attached to the package were retyped by DHL with some changes 
(declared value was changed, etc).  If we legally have 180 days to 
submit a 3-177 for all imports, and if DHL is not going to really 
provide a service we ourselves cannot do better, then why do we have 
to pay them to do what we already do?

I've contacted the JFK USFW office and they confirm that DHL has to 
have a package cleared before they'll deliver it.  They also said 
that errors on the 3-177 that DHL submits can be corrected by us once 
we get the package.  They also said that there is no system that 
verifies that a 3-177 is for a unique transaction.  That is, when I 
submitted a 3-177 for the same package USFW didn't notice.  It would 
be interesting if one of the 3-177's submitted was cleared, but the 
other was not.  How would we treat the documentation?  Would the 
Accession be legal or not?

In any case, since we have to use DHL for shipments (FedEx won't take 
dead animals still...right?) what choice to do we have?


*       Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell
*       Vertebrate Zoology
*       Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
*       170 Whitney Avenue, Box 208118
*       New Haven, CT  06520-8118
*       Phone: 203/432-3791
*       FAX: 203/432-2874
*       http://www.peabody.yale.edu

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