[NHCOLL-L:3564] How To Leaflet Series

Jeff.Stephenson at dmns.org Jeff.Stephenson at dmns.org
Thu Sep 6 18:09:28 EDT 2007

To Everyone,

SPNHC (The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections) is looking for contributions for our "How To" leaflet series.  This series is designed to give introductory advice on the care and preservation of specimens or collections to people in small museums, libraries, and schools who may have these objects.  The goal is to give people who find themselves in a position to care for natural and cultural history objects good information so they can better manage these assets.  The leaflets can be two pages (front and back) and can include images, may be written in a popular style, but should cover basic issues of proper handling, mounting, labeling, and prevention against agents of deterioration.
We are seeking contributions in the following topics:  1. Rocks and Minerals (geared toward a small reference-type collection), 2. Herbarium (presenting the 'basics' on how best to prepare a quality herbarium sheet, and what storage pitfalls to watch out for, 3. Conchology (everybody gets some, but what do you do with them?), 4. Invertebrate Fossils, and 5. Small Mammals (geared to preserving hides and mounts).

Or, if you would like to suggest a different topic you would like to see as such an informational leaflet, please feel free to make a suggestion.

We have produced two leaflets so far, one on insects and the other on kelp.  You may look at these on the SPNHC website.

Please contact Jeff Stephenson at jstephenson at dmns.org or call 303.370.8319.

Thank you very much! 

Jeff Stephenson
Collections Manager, Zoology Dept.
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Preserve * Present * Excite * Inspire

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