[NHCOLL-L:3825] Fwd: Heritage Preservation Update Spring 2008

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Fri Apr 11 06:03:41 EDT 2008

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
t/f 703.876.9272  

 From: heritage at heritage.pmailus.com
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 4/10/2008  5:12:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Heritage Preservation Update  Spring 2008

Sent by: Heritage  Preservation
_Reply to the sender_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/raf?ide=AdE49M3dPRr4HRl6673I-KabCzDU)             Heritage Preservation Update
Spring  2008
In this  issue:
_Atlanta  Connecting to Collections Forum a Success; Webcast  Available
_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_3) _Collaboration in the Digital Age 
Forum  to be Held June 24-25 in  Denver
_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_4) _Do One  Thing for Preparedness—
Check Out Our Emergency  Publications  Sale
_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_8) _Chicago  Mural Nominated for  
_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_1) _CAP  Participants to be  Announced
_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_9) _Alliance  for Response Projects 
Blossom_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_6)     _Connecting to 
Collections Leads to  Fund-Raising  Success
_ (mip://04d272c8/default.html#articles_10) Join us for the  _Heritage 
Preservation Annual Meeting_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAzAAEAAABBAAHPgA)   April 21 in Denver.   
Consider applying for: 
(http://www.heritagepreservation.org/update/2008/08spgrants.HTM#treasures) _IMLS Connecting to Collections  Bookshelf _ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAvAAEAAAD1AAHPgA) (Deadline:  April 30) 
 (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAvAAEAAAHSAAHPgA)     *   
_Save America's Treasures_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAvAAEAAAKAAAHPgA)  (deadline:  May 20)
 (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAvAAEAAAOGAAHPgA)     *   
_Save Our History _ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAvAAEAAAQqAAHPgA) (Deadline:  June 6)
View the full Update _here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAvAAEAAAYoAAHPgA) .        Atlanta  Connecting to Collections Forum a Success; 
Webcast  Available
 (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAP-----AAHPgA)  Atlanta 
Mayor Shirley  Franklin with Anne-Imelda Radice, Director of  the Institute of 
Museum and Library  Services.  
Three  hundred museum, library, and archive professionals  from 41 states and 
the District of Columbia gathered  in Atlanta on January 31 and February 1 
for  "Preserving America's Diverse Heritage," sponsored by  the Institute of 
Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in  partnership with Heritage Preservation.  
This  was the first of four meetings around the country  being held to raise 
awareness about the nation's  valuable and endangered collections. IMLS 
launched the  forums as part of the national initiative _Connecting to Collections: 
A Call to  Action_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAMAAAKBAAHPgA) .  
A _webcast_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAMAAAMxAAHPgA)   (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAMAAAOYAAHPgA) of 
Preserving America's Diverse  Heritage is available that allows you to view all 
the  presentations, including the well-received keynote by  Lonnie Bunch. If you 
have  questions about use of this material, please contact  
info at heritagepreservation.org.  _More.... _ 

Collaboration in the Digital Age Forum  to be Held June 24-25 in  Denver
Americans are increasingly using the Internet  to connect to museum and 
library resources. Digitizing  special library and museum collections has many  
advantages—better collection management, less wear and  tear on objects, and 
greater public access, to name a  few. But challenges include cost, 
prioritization, and  preserving digital collections. Where to  begin? 
To  answer some of these questions, the Institute of  Museum and Library 
Services (IMLS) is sponsoring the  forum “Collaboration in the Digital Age” June 
24 and  25 in Denver. 
This  program—organized in cooperation with Heritage  Preservation, the 
Colorado Historical Society, the  Denver Public Library, and the Denver Art Museum—
is  part of _Connecting to Collections: A Call to  Action_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAQAAAONAAHPgA) , an IMLS initiative to save 
endangered  collections in the nation’s museums and  libraries. 
The  forum is open and free of charge to staff and board  members of museums, 
libraries, and archives, as well  as to conservation professionals, 
representatives of  government, funders, and the media. It will be held at  the three 
sponsoring institutions, all located just  south of Civic Center Park in 
downtown Denver.   
_Advance online registration_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAQAAAYVAAHPgA)  is  required by May 23, 2008. There will be no on-site  
registration. To learn more about the forum, click _here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAQAAAbhAAHPgA) . 
_ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAT-----AAHPgA) 

Do One  Thing for Preparedness—Check Out Our Emergency  Publications  Sale
Archives, libraries, museums, and historic  preservation organizations across 
America are setting  aside May 1 to participate in _MayDay_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAgAAACzAAHPgA) , a national effort to 
protect  collections from disasters. 
It's  easy to put off disaster planning, but you can take  one simple step to 
prepare for disaster this MayDay.  To help, Heritage Preservation is offering 
its popular  _Field Guide to Emergency Response_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAgAAAJAAAHPgA)   and _Emergency Response and Salvage 
Wheel  _ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAgAAALKAAHPgA) at 
special MayDay sale prices from April 15 to May  31.  
Let  Heritage Preservation know what you do for MayDay this  year by 
e-mailing _taskforce at heritagepreservation.org_ 
(mailto:taskforce at heritagepreservation.org) .  You’ll receive a free _Working with Emergency Responders: Tips  for 
Cultural Institutions poster_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAgAAASQAAHPgA) .   _More....  _ 

Chicago  Mural Nominated for  Assessment
Under City Stone by Caryl Yasko was  recently nominated to Rescue Public 
Murals for  assessment. The mural spans 200 feet of an underpass  below the METRA 
commuter rail tracks at 55th Street  and Lake Park Avenue on Chicago’s South 
Side. The  viaduct will be renovated as part of transportation  improvements, 
which provides an opportunity to bring  much needed attention to this 
neighborhood  treasure.   _More....  
_ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAH-----AAHPgA) 

CAP  Participants to be  Announced
CAP  received 209 applications from 46 states and  Washington, DC, for the 
2008 program. The state of  California had the most applications with 21;  
Pennsylvania had the second highest number of  applications with 15. 
Heritage Preservation will be announcing the  2008 participants in late 
April. Check the _CAP Web page_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAkAAAGkAAHPgA)  for the official  announcement.      Alliance  for Response 
Projects Blossom          
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAb-----AAHPgA) The Alliance  for Response Forums have been effective on 
multiple  levels: inspiring museums and libraries to begin  disaster planning, 
fostering new partnerships in  communities, and influencing local emergency 
practices  and policy. The new year has brought much progress in  Atlanta, 
Philadelphia, and Boston.   _More....  
_ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAb-----AAHPgA) 

Connecting to Collections Leads to  Fund-Raising  Success
_Connecting to Collections: The National  Summit_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=E2Uj3AAuAAoAAAA0AAHPgA) , held in June 2007, is bearing 
fund-raising  fruit for participants. 
Robbin  Zella, Director of the Housatonic Museum of Art,  credits her 
participation in the Summit and the tour  of the Lunder Conservation Center with 
enabling her to  initiate a fundraising campaign. Through an “Adopt a  Painting” 
program, her museum has successfully raised  $50,000 to care for their 
artwork. They will be  retrofitting their storage with a new HVAC system for  
environmental control and will be creating new  conservation/preservation didactics 
in an exhibition  space. 
Do you  have a collections care success story to share? We  want to hear it! 
E-mail your story to _info at heritagepreservation.org_ 
(mailto:info at heritagepreservation.org) .  
Comments? Please let us know! Heritage  Preservation, 1012 14th St. NW, Suite 
1200, Washington, DC  20005, 202-233-0800,  info at heritagepreservation.org.
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 (http://www.patronmail.com/)   To forward this e-mail to  a friend or 
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