[NHCOLL-L:3991] Fwd: CAP Assessor Update Fall 2008

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Fri Oct 10 06:51:11 EDT 2008

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
t/f 703.876.9272  

 From: heritage at heritage.pmailus.com
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 10/9/2008  4:39:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: CAP Assessor Update Fall  2008

Sent by: Heritage  Preservation
_Reply to the sender_ 
CAP  Assessor Update Fall 2008       In this Update:    _ 
CAP Changes for  2009_ (mip://049b4d48/default.html#articles_1)   _ 
Historic Structures  Reports_ (mip://049b4d48/default.html#articles_2)   _ 
Staff  Changes_ (mip://049b4d48/default.html#articles_3)           
CAP Changes for  2009   
Allocation Amounts  Increase 
For the 2009 CAP year, the  allocation amounts will be raised 10%.  The  
increases are as follows: 
One Assessor
Museum  Budget          CAP  allocation    Estimated museum  cost
Less than  $250,000            $3,590                    $430
$250,000 to $1,000,000        $3,490                    $530
More than  $1,000,000          $3,390                    $630 
Two Assessors
Museum  Budget           CAP  allocation    Estimated museum  cost
Less than  $250,000             $7,190                    $670
$250,000 to  $1,000,000         $7,020                    $850
More than  $1,000,000          $6,840                    $1,020While fewer 
museums  will be able to participate in the program, Heritage  Preservation felt 
it was necessary to increase the  allocation amounts due to the rising cost 
of  energy.  
The Institute of  Museum and Library Services (IMLS) will be funding the  
2009 program with an extension to its three-year  cooperative agreement with 
Heritage Preservation. In  January 2009, we will submit a new cooperative  
agreement proposal for the 2010, 2011, and 2012  programs. Assessor input is needed 
for this proposal.  Last year, we asked you to tell us the amount of time  
assessors spend on site visits and report  writing. This information was  useful 
but we need more specific data to make a strong  case for increasing funding 
for the program. Please go  to 
_http://www.formdesk.com/heritagepreservation/CAPAssessor_ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GHPTjwAuAAEAAAxNAAIuDA)  
to complete a  seven-question  survey.  Thanks for your  help!

2009 Expedited  Schedule 
CAP has always been  administered on a set schedule, in which applications  
are received in the fall, agreements with assessors  are negotiated in the 
spring, and site visits begin in  the summer. For the 2009 program, Heritage  
Preservation will pilot an expedited process. Eligible  2009 participants will be 
notified of their acceptance  into the program one month after the receipt of 
their  completed application and will be encouraged to  contact assessors 
immediately. Therefore, be prepared  to begin planning 2009 assessments as early 
as  November 2008. Site visits may occur as early as  January 1, 2009. We hope 
that this new schedule will  capture the enthusiasm of applicants who are 
motivated  to start CAP to improve conditions at their  museums. By shortening the 
length of time it takes to  complete the program, CAPped museums will be able 
to  move forward accessing other grant opportunities, such  as the National 
Endowment for the Humanities’  Preservation Assistance Grants (annual deadline 
in the  spring) and IMLS’ Conservation Project Support (annual  deadline in 
the fall). 
2009 CAP Report Deadline for  Assessors 
Please note that the  expedited 2009 CAP reports must be completed and sent  
to Heritage Preservation by November 1,  2009. Due to our guidelines to 
conclude our  first cooperative agreement with the Institute of  Museum and Library 
Services, NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE  GIVEN.  If you are contacted by  a 2009 
participant, please carefully consider if you  can complete a 2009 CAP by November 
1,  2009.  We can not guarantee payment  for reports submitted after this 
During 2009 Heritage Preservation will be  evaluating the success of the 
expedited schedule and  may opt to extend the period for accepting  applications 
for future years of the program. We look  forward to having your  feedback.     
Historic Structures  Reports   
Heritage Preservation  occasionally receives requests for information about  
Historic Structures Reports (HSR). While we are  familiar with the basic 
information on HSRs provided  by the National Park Service, we would like to know  
more, such as the approximate costs of an HSR and how  museums have raised the 
money to fund these detailed  assessments. If you have conducted HSRs and can 
share  this information with the CAP staff, we  would be very grateful!  
Contact us at _cap at heritagepreservation.org_ (mailto:cap at heritagepreservation.org) 
 or  202-233-0800.         
Staff  Changes   
CAP Program Associate Jimena Rojas has become  Heritage Preservation's new 
Web and Publications  Coordinator. We thank her for all her great work with  CAP 
and wish her the best of luck in her new  position. 
Sarah Glass is the new CAP Program Assistant. In  May 2008, Sarah received 
her undergraduate degree from  Harvard University in Social Anthropology and  
Archaeology. Her previous experience includes research  internships at the 
Smithsonian's National Museum of  the American Indian and the Harvard Peabody 
Museum of  Archaeology and Ethnology. We think she will be a  great addition to the 
CAP team. Welcome Sarah! 
Kate Marks is  leaving Heritage Preservation to become the Outreach  and 
Partnership Coordinator for War of 1812  Bicentennial Program with the State of 
Maryland.  Kate has been a valued member of  the Heritage Preservation staff and 
oversaw CAP  through significant changes in recent years; she will  be 
greatly missed. Heritage Preservation is currently  interviewing candidates for the 
CAP Coordinator  position and will announce Kate's successor in the  coming 
weeks. Kristen Overbeck Laise, Vice President  for Collections Care Programs, 
supervises CAP and is  available to answer any questions you might have  during 
this  transition.  
Heritage Preservation  
1012 14th Street, NW
Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005
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