[NHCOLL-L:4440] Packing and research

Shelton, Sally Y. Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu
Mon Aug 10 10:32:33 EDT 2009

OK, everyone, here's the story. We need to flag the specimens/collections that anyone is working on for research so that they do not get packed. Packing has started for a couple of the non-BADL collections upstairs and on the lower vert room. We don't yet have the word on whether or not we get the gym floor as a staging area, but Sandy Fischer will let us know about that ASAP. In the meantime, we need to make sure that we're not packing up anything that needs to stay out. Wind Cave will be doing its annual inventory of its specimens the week of Aug. 17, and BADL will be packing up its specimens during the last two weeks of October.

Even if you have already done so, please send me the information on the specimens you are doing work on (either specimen name or locality name is fine) so that we can mark these ASAP. If you have specimens out in the layout room or lab, please let me know that, too. I've already noted that paleobotany and parts of the invertebrate collections are exempted from packing for now.

Please feel free to forward this around as needed. We'll schedule a day ASAP for flagging specimens once I have everyone's list. Many thanks!

Sally Y. Shelton, Collections Manager and Faculty Instructor
Museum of Geology, O'Harra 307
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD   57701
phone 605.394.2487
email Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu

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