[NHCOLL-L:4197] Ontogenetic series of Chicken, Alligator or Crocodile osteological material?

Abby Drake abbygracedrake at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 4 09:38:46 EST 2009

Hello All,

I am looking for an ontogenetic series of either Chicken (or any other
not too highly derived bird), Alligator or Crocodile osteological
material. I'm particularly interested in hand bones (carpals,
metacarpals and phalanges). I would like to scan the bones with our
three-dimensional Range 7 laser scanner.

If you are interested in the why - I am attempting to build a
reference series in order to determine allometric patterns of bone
growth for comparison to dinosaur bones. This dataset would be of
great use to paleontologists and any help, even if it is only a single
specimen, would be very much appreciated!

Thank you,
Abby Drake


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