[NHCOLL-L:4156] Fwd: FW: [PCA] NEWS: Zoos, aquariums face the ax in NY, elsewhere

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Wed Jan 14 08:34:42 EST 2009

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
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 From: HawksC at si.edu
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 1/13/2009 1:15:33 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time
Subj: FW: [PCA] NEWS: Zoos, aquariums face the ax in  NY, elsewhere

-----Original Message-----
From: Krupnick,  Gary 
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:34 AM
To:  NMNH-Botany-Notice
Subject: FW: [PCA] NEWS: Zoos, aquariums face the ax in  NY, elsewhere

More bad news...

-----Original  Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:27 AM
To:  native-plants at lists.plantconservation.org
Subject: [PCA] NEWS: Zoos,  aquariums face the ax in NY,  elsewhere


Zoos,  aquariums face the ax in NY, elsewhere
By William Kates, Associated Press  Writer - Tue Jan 13, 4:10 am ET

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Even porcupines could  get pink slips in the slumping 
economy as states consider cutting or  eliminating funding that supports 
zoos, aquariums and botanical  gardens.

As part of his plan to help New York address a potential $15.4  billion 
budget shortfall, Gov. David Paterson has called for cutting  funding for

the Zoo, Botanical Garden and Aquarium Program from $9  million to $4 
million in the state's 2009 budget and for eliminating  funding in 2010.

See the link above for the full article  text.

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