[NHCOLL-L:4847] Charles Chamberlain Lantern Slides

Mary Ann Schmidt maryanns at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Jul 1 10:05:09 EDT 2010

I apologize for any cross-posting. Note: I'm posting this for a 
colleague; please respond to him, not me.


We were cleaning out some old botany labs, and found a collection of 
several hundred glass lantern slides (8x10 cm) that probably belonged to 
Charles Chamberlain, an authority on cycads.

Most of the collection appears to be a set of teaching slides for 
general botany and local flora, but some are of cycads and Weltwischia 
in the field, and I think one may be an image of Chamberlain.  Most are 
black and white, but some are color; dates range from 1910 or so to 1920's

Would you be interested in these?

Mark Whitten
Senior Biological Scientist
385 Dickinson Hall
Florida Museum of Natural History
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117800
Gainesville, FL 32611-7800

tel. 352-273-1986
fax  352-846-2016
whitten at FLMNH.ufl.edu

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