[NHCOLL-L:4849] RE: Museum Labels for Mammal Mounts

Judith Chupasko jchupasko at oeb.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 1 12:19:45 EDT 2010

BTW, by "accession number", I actually meant the specimen's actual 
individual "catalogue number"......sorry if I confused the two types 
of documentation numbers. :) Judy

At 11:51 AM 7/1/2010, you wrote:
>I agree with Tom Labedz. A museum specimen, whether on exhibit or 
>not (especially if it belongs to one of the collections), should 
>have a permanent "label" affixed to the actual animal itself with at 
>least the accession number written on the label (India ink). Whether 
>it is a small tag tied around a foot, base of horn or ear (somewhere 
>where it will NOT slip off), or a number written with India ink on a 
>tooth, claw, etc.  Also, it is good to teach exhibit staff to NEVER 
>remove a tag or label......  It is also a good precaution to write 
>the accession number on the base.  However, over the years, 
>sometimes specimens are removed from bases (sometimes without the 
>knowledge of collections staff) and information is lost, i.e. not 
>being 100% sure which specimen the animal actually is....ok, that's 
>my two cents after working in an old historic collection for over 21 
>years! lol Judy
>At 08:33 AM 7/1/2010, you wrote:
>>I use regular tags with data on mounts when off exhibit.  Small 
>>tags with only the catalog number and thread that matches pelage 
>>color when on exhibit.  The small tag being tucked into the fur 
>>somewhere.  I'll also write the permanent catalog number somewhere 
>>obvious on the underside of the mount base.  And, if possible, I'll 
>>ink the number inconspicuously on the underside of a lip, edge of a 
>>hoof or claw, on a piece of paper and tucked into an ear.  AND, 
>>I'll annotate the collection records noting that the mount is on 
>>exhibit.  Since it may decades and numerous changes of staff before 
>>that mount comes back to the collections I want it well recorded 
>>what  is going on and where it is.
>>Thomas E. Labedz, Collections Manager
>>Division of Zoology and Division of Botany
>>University of Nebraska State Museum
>>W-436 Nebraska Hall
>>900 N. 16th St.
>>Lincoln, NE  68588-0514
>>402/472-8366   fax 402/472-8949
>>tlabedz1 at unl.edu   www.museum.unl.edu
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu]
>>On Behalf Of Tina Campbell
>>Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 7:16 PM
>>To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
>>Subject: [NHCOLL-L:4844] Museum Labels for Mammal Mounts
>>Hello Everyone,
>>How do museums attach labels to their mammal mounts?  Do you have 
>>tags, a Thank you,Tina
>Judy Chupasko, Curatorial Associate
>Department of Mammalogy, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology
>26 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass 02138

Judy Chupasko, Curatorial Associate
Department of Mammalogy, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology
26 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass 02138

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