[NHCOLL-L:4898] RE: Lasers and Bird feathers

Robert Waller RWALLER at mus-nature.ca
Fri Jul 23 19:13:49 EDT 2010

Hi Abby,
At that long (low energy) wavelength there will be no risk of molecular structural damage to the feather or of light induced fading.  The only remaining concern might be local radiant heating.  I would ask the operator if they ever feel anything if they scan a finger.  If they do not feel any warmth from that then radiant heating is also not an issue.  I suspect that will be the case but please let us know what you learn.

Robert Waller, PhD, CAPC, FIIC
President and Senior Risk Analyst
Protect Heritage Corp.
622 Simoneau Way
Ottawa  ON  K4A 1P4
email: rw at protectheritage.com
phone: 613-830-1883 (Canada)
phone: 303-872-9739 (USA)
skype: rrwaller
Museum Associate,
Canadian Museum of Nature
email: rwaller at mus-nature.ca


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu on behalf of Abby Drake
Sent: Thu 2010-07-22 12:09 PM
To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:4895] Lasers and Bird feathers
Hi -

Does anyone know if an infared (660nm) laser from a Konica Minolta Range-7
Surface scanner will do any damage to bird feathers? We want to scan the
beaks of some study skins but are worried about the long-term effects to the


Abby Grace Drake, PhD

Biology Department
College of the Holy Cross

Phone: 508.981.2783
Skype: abby.drake
Website: Aves3D.org

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