[NHCOLL-L:5084] Guidelines for live animals in exhibits

dinoceras at juno.com dinoceras at juno.com
Thu Nov 18 11:25:04 EST 2010

Hi all,

Do any of your institutions have guidelines established for housing live animals (reptiles and amphibians) in exhibit areas? We have an immersive exhibit in which you wonder along a winding path through various local habitats. These are basically open dioramas (for example - a forest area with full-size "trees" with taxidermy mounts both on the forest floor and in the trees). Barriers between the visitor and the habitats are more visual than physical (a tree snag, a bridge railing, a farm fence, etc.). Recently, there has been some discussion about moving our live animals into this area. Up to this time the live animals have been maintained in a separate classroom setting at some distance from exhibit areas. My greatest concern is that having the live animals in the exhibit area will put the mounted specimens at a greater risk for pest infestations. I'm also worried about the welfare of the animals, themselves, under such conditions (before access to them was limited to when a staff member was present). Are these concerns valid? What sort of precautions do you require to maintain this sort of mix? Any information / insights about this type of arrangement would be appreaciated.


Chris Chandler
Putnam Museum
Davenport, IA

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