[NHCOLL-L:4992] Natural History and Science Jouranls available

Kacey Page kpage at sciencebuff.org
Fri Oct 1 09:38:38 EDT 2010

As the result of a recent collections review, the Research Library of
the Buffalo Museum of Science is attempting to locate institutions that
can make better use of a collection of foreign language journals. There
are over eight hundred titles in the collection from many different
countries with topics that focus on science and natural history. If you
are interested in any of the titles, we ask that you please contact us
ASAP, preferably by November 1st 2010.  The journals are available for
the cost of shipping (cost of shipping must be paid/received before any
requests can be mailed out). Or arrangements can be made with
institutions in close proximity to the BMS for pick-up or delivery.
Journals are available on a first come, first served basis. 


At the following URL is a complete list of the journals in the
collection organized by country with the dates and volumes available:


If you are interested in acquiring any of the journals or would like to
request more information, please contact Kacey Page by email at
kpage at sciencebuff.org or by phone at 716-896-5200 x320


Please feel free to forward to any institution that might be interested,




Kacey Page

Collections Assistant

Buffalo Museum of Science




Roaring back to Buffalo June 26 - October 10, 2010

They don't just look like real dinosaurs, they behave like real



Inspiring curiosity through exploration.



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