[NHCOLL-L:5038] Collection Inventory online class starts Nov 1

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Tue Oct 26 12:57:33 EDT 2010

There is still space available in Northern States Conservation Center's  
collection inventory class that runs in November.  This is the only time 
this course has been available in 2010.

*MS218: Collection Inventories*
*Instructor:*  Peggy Schaller
*Price:* $475
*Dates:* Nov 1 through 30, 2010
*Location:* online at www.museumclasses.org*

Collection inventories are vital to collection management and security. 
You need to know what is in your collection to be able to manage it 
well. This means regular inventories must occur. But knowing you must do 
them and actually having the time and manpower to complete an inventory 
are two different things. Collection Inventories discusses everything 
you ever wanted to know about collection inventories. From how to set 
one up to how to conduct an inventory. Other topics include what to look 
for during an inventory and how to reconcile the information.

*Course Outline:*
Why are Collection Inventories important?
Collection Management
Collection Security
Preparing for an Inventory
Preparing The Museum
Preparing Staff: Who Will Do the Inventory?
Compiling Data and Supplies
Conducting an Inventory
Where to Begin
What to Look for During an Inventory
Reconciling an Inventory: What do you do when the inventory is done?
Fixing Problems
Processing "Leftovers"
When Should You Do It Again?

Participants in Collection Inventories work through sections on their 
own. Instructor Peggy Schaller is available for scheduled email support. 
Materials and resources include online literature, slide lectures and 
dialog between students and online chats led by the instructor. The 
course is limited to 20 participants.

Collection Inventories runs four weeks. To reserve a spot in the course, 
please pay at http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html If you have 
trouble please contact Helen Alten at helen at collectioncare.org

*Student Comments for MS218: Collection Inventories:*

Absolutely a 10. I really enjoyed the class and getting to know Peggy 
and all of my fellow students through forums and discussions.

It delineated the difference between an inventory project and a 
cataloging project. I think it will help our institution narrow our 
current project to fit the greatest need.

There was just enough reading material to provide the information needed 
but not too much to overwhelm.

I enjoyed the chats. Hearing other people who have the same goals and 
challenges state the case of inventory vs. inventory/cataloging really 
made it sink in that our institution is overreaching our current need 
and should scale back the current project.

It was good fact-based material, presented in a succinct and useful way. 
I printed much of it out for future reference.

I liked the course and found it extremely useful. Peggy was an excellent 
instructor, offering encouragement and helpful hints, and managing the 
chats gracefully.

It actually exceeded my expectations. I have been having such an issue 
with the inventory here that I just had hope that this would work. But I 
feel that I actually have a game plan now. I have a logical set of steps 
that will work even for a collection as far behind as mine. It's been a 
great relief to me to know that this can be done and done in one lifetime.

*The Instructor:*
*Peggy Schaller*, founded Collections Research for Museums in 1991 to 
provide cataloging, collection-management training and services. She has 
worked with a large variety of museums and collections for more than 18 
years. Peggy, who lives in Denver, Colorado, has a bachelor's degree in 
anthropology with minors in art history and geology from the University 
of Arizona in Tucson. She has a master's degree in anthropology with a 
minor in museum studies from the University of Colorado in Boulder and 
is a Certified Institutional Protection Manager II. She provides 
workshops and project services to museums and historical societies all 
across the country. The mission of Collections Research for Museums is 
to inspire museums to improve their professional standards, collections 
stewardship and service to their constituency through training in, and 
assistance with, documenting, preserving, protecting and managing their 
collections. For more information visit her web site Collections 
Research for Museums <http://www.museumcollectionmgmt.com/>

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