[NHCOLL-L:5358] moths and taxidermy mounts

James Ladonski james_ladonski at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 3 13:23:49 EDT 2011

A colleague of mine at a nature center is dealing with moths getting into their taxidermy mounts and study skins.  I do not have much experience with this issue, but was hoping someone on here could offer them some advice.  If you have suggestions or questions, please contact Michaele off-list at mklingerman at sjcparks.org
I was given the following information:
"One of the nature centers has a problem with
moths destroying their taxidermy mounts. They have tried everything,
from freezing the mounts, fumigating and attempting to pick off the eggs. It
seems the moths have even gotten to specimens that were done professionally. I
would have to see them to be able to tell if they had been tanned properly. Do
you have any suggestions as to how to rid themselves of the insects?

We have the mounts and study
skins (really, mostly study skins) stored in a closet in our auditorium where
we conduct our programs. We do have mounts throughout the building and in the
auditorium; although nothing "new". The bear rug is in the closet
with the other skins. I mentioned that one only because that was where the
first moth was seen. As soon as we saw that moth we began searching and
discovered that all of our items in that closet had been infested."

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!


of Biology and Microbiology

Dakota State University

N Career Avenue

Falls, SD  57107

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