[NHCOLL-L:5594] Content help - Shanghai Museum

Robert West ileinc at informallearning.com
Mon Aug 15 21:04:59 EDT 2011

I am looking for individuals with expertise in the broad field listed below
who can be available to assist me as content reviewers for exhibit being
developed for the new Shanghai Museum of Natural History, opening planned
for late in 2012. The exhibits are being developed by Gallagher Design of
Silver Spring, MD, and I am the content supervisor for the project.

Content experts will be paid a modest honorarium to review content and
specimen lists and offer observations about accuracy, completeness,
appropriateness of specimens, etc. This work will be one via email and phone
conversations - no travel to China is required.

I am looking for individuals who are both solid scientists and understand
museum exhibits in these areas - microbiology, ichthyology, African plains
environments, and Chinese ethnology and culture.

Please contact me at the address below asap to discuss this opportunity.
Email inquiries, with attached cvs, are welcome.

Robert M. West, Ph.D.
Informal Learning Experiences
P.O. Box 42328
Washington, DC 20015
202.362.5823 (o)
202.345.4344 (m)
Please note new email: ileinc "at" informallearning.com
Web: www.informallearning.com
Facebook: Informal Learning Experiences

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