[NHCOLL-L:5449] SPNHC 2013 and 10th CFR meeting planning

Shelton, Sally Y. Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu
Wed Jun 1 09:48:25 EDT 2011

Greetings, all!
This message is sent to let you know that we have begun planning for the double meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections and the Conference on Fossil Resources, both approved for the spring of 2013 in Rapid City, South Dakota. This will mark the first time these two groups have met together. With the help of an amazing coalition of local and regional resources, including our Federal co-host, the USFS Nebraska National Grasslands and Forests, we are planning a week of field trips, meetings and workshops, centered around the care, conservation and stewardship of natural history collections. A joint workshop will address many of the issues arising with the use of repositories for natural history collections in the public trust. We will highlight a number of regional resources and agencies as part of this meeting, so plan to pack your camera and hiking boots. 

If you are on Facebook, you can join the group "SPNHC 2013 and 10th CFR" to stay posted on local plans and to contribute suggestions and requests for this meeting. You can also email me at the address below (please send this to me and not back to this list at large) to be included on a news list for these meetings. 

We hope to see you here in 2013!

Sally Y. Shelton, Interim Director
Museum of Geology and Paleontology Research Laboratory
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD   57701
phone 605.394.2487
email Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu

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