[NHCOLL-L:5452] Tax receipt evaluation premium for good collection data

Mary Sollows Mary.Sollows at nbm-mnb.ca
Fri Jun 3 08:11:09 EDT 2011


I would like to know of precedents for applying a premium for good collection data on an evaluation for tax receipt purposes to acquire a collection of taxidermied trophy animal mounts.  This premium would account for a  greater scientific value than a comparable acquisition without good collection data.

Best regards,

Mary Sollows, M.Sc.
Curatorial Assistant: Zoology /Adjointe à la conservation des collections zoologiques
Natural Sciences Department / Département de sciences naturelles
New Brunswick Museum / Musée du Nouveau-Brunswick
277 Douglas Ave.
Saint John, New Brunswick
Canada  E2K 1E5

Mary.Sollows at nbm-mnb.ca<mailto:Mary.Sollows at nbm-mnb.ca>
tel: (506) 643-2365
fax: (506) 643-2360


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