[NHCOLL-L:5455] RE: Tax receipt evaluation premium for good collection data

White, Rich rwhite at thewildlifemuseum.org
Fri Jun 3 11:42:08 EDT 2011

In the US, the value which can be claimed for trophy animal mounts is what is called "the taxpayer's basis".  That is defined now as what the donor paid to have the taxidermy done.  It does not include the cost of the hunt, or any adjustments for the size of the trophy (record book ranking) of the "scientific value" of the specimen.  In the past, before August 2006, those considerations were used to determine the value for tax purposes.

Also, in the US, the receiving institution cannot be involved in establishing the value of the donation.  That is a matter strictly between the donor and the IRS.  The donor, if he or she does not know the cost of the taxidermy work, can rely on an appraiser, or simply a taxidermist, to establish what the average cost of mounting a given animal would have been at the time the work was done.  The receiving institution cannot even suggest someone to do that appraisal.

So the situation in Canada is rather different from the situation in the US.


Richard S. White, Director
International Wildlife Museum
4800 West Gates Pass Road
Tucson, AZ 85745

Phone: 520-629-0100 ext 252
Fax:       520-618-3561

From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Mary Sollows
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 5:11 AM
To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:5452] Tax receipt evaluation premium for good collection data


I would like to know of precedents for applying a premium for good collection data on an evaluation for tax receipt purposes to acquire a collection of taxidermied trophy animal mounts.  This premium would account for a  greater scientific value than a comparable acquisition without good collection data.

Best regards,

Mary Sollows, M.Sc.
Curatorial Assistant: Zoology /Adjointe à la conservation des collections zoologiques
Natural Sciences Department / Département de sciences naturelles
New Brunswick Museum / Musée du Nouveau-Brunswick
277 Douglas Ave.
Saint John, New Brunswick
Canada  E2K 1E5

Mary.Sollows at nbm-mnb.ca<mailto:Mary.Sollows at nbm-mnb.ca>
tel: (506) 643-2365
fax: (506) 643-2360


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