[NHCOLL-L:5494] Liquid nitrogen use for new facility

Bentley, Andrew Charles abentley at ku.edu
Mon Jun 13 16:43:58 EDT 2011

Hi all

We recently invested in a cryogenic facility at KU which is due for installation toward the end of the year.  We have received conflicting information from the supplier as to liquid nitrogen use for such a facility.  Can anyone else who has a similar cryo facility in operation give me any indication of typical liquid nitrogen use on a monthly basis.  We will be starting out with two 1894-R150 94500 tube dewars.  Are there factors that will increase or decrease liquid nitrogen usage other than opening the dewars during regular use?



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Andy Bentley
Ichthyology Collection Manager/Specify Usability Lead
University of Kansas
Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Research Center
Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS, 66045-7593
Tel: (785) 864-3863
Fax: (785) 864-5335
Email: ABentley at ku.edu

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