[NHCOLL-L:5518] Collections storage online class starts July 5

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Thu Jun 16 03:57:05 EDT 2011

*MS201: Storage for Infinity: An Overview of Museum Storage Principles*
Instructor: Helen Alten
Price: $475
Dates: July 5 to Aug 12, 2011
Location: online at www.museumclasses.org
Storage for Infinity covers everything you need to know to limit damage 
to stored collections. Participants will learn about building new 
storage areas and retrofitting existing space. Other topics include 
constructing support mounts and storage security. The material 
emphasizes philosophy and planning, handling, materials and techniques.

*Course Outline:*
1. Introduction
2. Storage Philosophy
3. Agents of Deterioration and Preservation Planning
4. Storage Facilities
5. Storage Furniture
6. Preparing Collections for Storage
7. Storage Materials
8. Storage Mounts
9. Storage of Specific Collections
10. Funding Improvements
11. Conclusion

Participants in Storage for Infinity work at their own pace through 11 
sections. Instructor Helen Alten is available at scheduled times during 
the course for email support. Materials include PowerPoint lectures, 
reading materials and lecture notes. Supporting resources include 
message forums, weekly online chats projects, quizzes and links to 
relevant web sites. The course is limited to 20 participants.

Storage for Infinity runs six weeks. To reserve a spot in the course, 
please pay at http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html  If you have 
trouble please contact Helen Alten at helen at collectioncare.org

*Student Comments from MS201: Storage for Infinity: An Overview of 
Museum Storage Principles:*
My first online class. I plan to do more.

I am so glad that you offered this course. I found it very beneficial.

The most valuable part of the class will be the reference book I 
compiled with all the lectures, forums, assignments, additional 
readings, etc. This class contained a staggering amount of information! 
Something like this is much more accessible, no travel expenses or 
'lost' work time.

The layout of the web site made perfect sense to me. The flow of it was 
easy to follow and it was nice to be able to see what things had 
transpired/been posted.

You seem very approachable and knowledgeable, Helen. This was a good 
opportunity for meeting new colleagues and networking.

You could not have decided to offer a course any more relevant to the 
precise issues that our institution is currently dealing with. Tons of 
detailed info. and a lot of practical help that will actually be useful 
in daily operations.

This was my first online class and I believe that it was quite a success 
thanks to the organization that was provided by yourselves. I did not 
know what to expect but both of you have surely set a very high standard 
of excellence in online courses.

*The Instructor:*
*Helen Alten*, is the Director of Northern States Conservation Center 
and its chief Objects Conservator. For nearly 30 years she has been 
involved in objects conservation, starting in 1980 at the Oriental 
Institute in Chicago and the University Museum of the University of 
Pennsylvania. She completed a degree in Archaeological Conservation and 
Materials Science from the Institute of Archaeology at the University of 
London in England in 1986. She has built and run conservation 
laboratories in Bulgaria, Montana, Greece, Alaska, Minnesota and West 
Virginia. She has a broad understanding of three-dimensional materials 
and their deterioration, wrote and edited the quarterly Collections 
Caretaker, maintains the popular www.collectioncare.org web site, 
lectures throughout the United States on collection care topics, and 
advised on storage upgrades at museums throughout the US. Helen Alten 
has been a Field Education Director, Conservator, and staff trainer. She 
began working with people from small, rural, and tribal museums while as 
the state conservator for Montana and Alaska. Helen currently conducts 
conservation treatments and operates a conservation center in 
Charleston, WV and St. Paul, MN.
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