[NHCOLL-L:5400] mold on taxidermy specimens

Bob Glotzhober bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org
Wed May 4 15:28:34 EDT 2011

I just found out from one of our sites that they have found mold on
several taxidermy specimens. Some of it is apparently on the fur, and
some is actually on the nose of a raccoon. [No. this is not white-nosed
syndrome on a raccoon.] Can someone recommend methods for cleaning these
specimens? If I bring them back to Columbus I can run them through a
freeze-drier - but I'm not sure if that kills mold spores.


Bob Glotzhober



Robert C. Glotzhober                              e-Mail:
bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org

Senior Curator, Natural History                Phone  614-298-2054

Ohio Historical Society                           Fax      614-298-2089

1982 Velma Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 43211-2497


Visit our Online Collection Catalog at www.ohiohistory.org


Learn about dragonflies at the website of the Ohio Odonata Society at



Great News! The Ohio Historical Society's museum in the Ohio Historical
Center is now open on Sundays, too! 

Hours: Thursday, 10-7; Friday & Saturday, 10-5; Sunday, 12-5. 

Free parking in the lot at the front of the building. For admission,
enter at the Plaza Level up the exterior steps.


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