[NHCOLL-L:5421] New online resource with information on common collections databases

Amy Smith acsmith777 at gmail.com
Thu May 12 15:51:49 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

When I had the privilege to work at the Museum of Geosciences, I got to
research an array of databases that are commonly used for collection
cataloging, noting things like prices, versatility, learning curves to use
the software, hardware requirements, etc. I thought it might be a valuable
resource to museums on a larger geographic scale, so I have published all of
my findings online at http://thebluepteranodon.tk/ . The database
information is under the Collections Management tab in the top menu (labeled
"Databases". I also plan to continuously add resources to the site, however
I have just created the site from scratch, so until now my efforts have
focused on getting the site foundations down. :)

I hope these resources can be of use to some of you!

All the best,

Amy Smith
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