[NHCOLL-L:5444] Fwd: A Grant, Disaster News, and Annual Meeting

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Thu May 19 19:50:52 EDT 2011

Catharine  Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church VA 22043-3026  USA
t/f 703.876-9272
mobile 703.200.4370  

 From: info at heritagepreservation.org
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 5/18/2011  4:23:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: A Grant, Disaster News, and Annual  Meeting

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Heritage  Hotline

An  email update service for  the _Membership_ 
2209f40f73)  of _Heritage  Preservation_ 

The agenda for the Annual Meeting,  on June 1 in Philadelphia, is available 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=6d327653b9&e=2209f40f73) .    We very much hope 
that you, and other interested colleagues,  will join us.  We’ll provide 
briefings on both current  activities at Heritage Preservation and federal funding 
 programs. If you know of others who are interested in  learning more about 
Heritage Preservation, please encourage  them to attend; all are welcome.  
For registration and  more information click _here_ 
2d&e=2209f40f73) . 

The  draft minutes from Heritage Preservation’s last Annual  Meeting are 
available _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=f29da465e1&e=2209f40f73) .   They will be 
offered for approval at the Annual  Meeting.
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=7eda2e5614&e=2209f40f73)          _REGISTRATION_ 
e545c4b972&id=bbab4df9d9&e=2209f40f73)     _MINUTES_ 

Heritage Preservation hosted a  conference call May 11 with members of the 
Heritage  Emergency National Task Force and representatives of  affected 
states to review damage to cultural heritage from  recent tornadoes and 
flooding.  The tornados do not  appear to have caused significant damage to 
museums,  libraries, or archives.  Although the extent of damage  from the 
Mississippi River flooding remains to be seen, it  appears that stewards of cultural 
resources have had  sufficient early warning to move collections out of harm
’s  way.  The most extensive cultural losses to date have  been to 
individuals that have lost family treasures.   Heritage Preservation has issued news 
releases in affected  areas with advice for salvaging personal  

We  are pleased to announce that the National Endowment for the  Arts has 
awarded Heritage Preservation a grant of $45,000  for the Rescue Public 
Murals program.  With this grant,  we will identify and promote best practices 
for creating and  maintaining murals that will last.  New web pages to be  
developed in the course of the project will provide  information on surfaces, 
paints, coatings, application of  materials, and maintenance procedures.

Thank  you for your support!  As always, if you have questions  or need 
help regarding your membership, please contact _Lauren  Hunley_ 
(mailto:lhunley at heritagepreservation.org) .

_Register  Now!_ 

Heritage Preservation's Annual  Meeting

June 1, 2011 in Philadelphia,  PA!

Join us on _Facebook_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=238b045d98&e=2209f40f73) !


Heritage  Preservation

1012 14th St. NW, Suite  1200

Washington, DC 20005

(202)  233-0800

Heritage Preservation is a national  non-profit organization dedicated to 
preserving the cultural  heritage of the United States. By identifying risks, 
 developing innovative programs, and providing broad public  access to 
expert advice, Heritage Preservation assists  museums, libraries, archives, 
historic preservation and  other organizations, as well as individuals, in 
caring for  our endangered heritage.
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