[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: Heritage Preservation Update: Summer 2012

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Mon Jul 30 17:36:47 EDT 2012

Catharine  Hawks
Conservator, NMNH
(h) 703.876.9176
(o) 202.633.0835
mobile  703.200.4370
mobile 202.701.8458

 From: info at heritagepreservation.org
To: chawks at gwu.edu
Sent: 7/30/2012  2:41:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Heritage Preservation Update:  Summer 2012

In this Update:  Saving historic  monuments, 2013 CAP applications,  and  
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Scroll Down  for:
Federal  Update
2013  CAP
Connecting to  Collections
Alliance for Response
Staff  News
Welcome New  Members!
Grant  Roundup

Federal  Update

In draft  legislation, the House Appropriations  Subcommittee recommends a 
$227.317 million  budget for the Institute of Museum and Library  Services 
(IMLS) for the 2013 fiscal year. If  enacted, it would represent an 
approximately 2%  reduction from IMLS’s FY 2012 appropriation. The  House of 
Representatives report that accompanies  recommended legislation is not yet 

The Senate Subcommittee has  recommended the same amount requested by IMLS  
for Fiscal Year 2013. It approved IMLS’s  consolidation of the Conservation 
Project  Support program with the Museums for America  program. For more, 
including a possible  January 15, 2013  deadline see _Heritage  Hotline_ 
45c4b972&id=b922df5525&e=9ce0dc217c) . 

The House of  Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee  recommended a 
$132 million budget for both the  National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 
and  the National Endowments for the Arts (NEA) for  the 2013 fiscal year. 
This is a 9.6% cut from  2012. No funds were allocated for Save America’s  
Treasures. More information is also available  at _Heritage  Hotline_ 
972&id=dbe3c23fab&e=9ce0dc217c) .
Heritage  Preservation Works with Veterans  Affairs

Heritage Preservation has  been honored to contract with the U.S.  
Department of Veterans Affairs' National  Cemetery Administration (NCA) to help care 
for  many of the nation's historic monuments. Work  has included 
coordinating assessments and  reviewing treatment proposals for monuments in  NCA’s 
cemeteries and soldiers lots across the  country. Recently, Heritage 
Preservation  developed a maintenance procedure manual for  historic monuments and a 
training program to  teach basic monument preservation principles and  
techniques to NCA cemetery staff. On June 20 and  21, Heritage Preservation and 
NCA piloted this  training program at Winchester National Cemetery  in 
Virginia. Frances Gale, Professor of Historic  Preservation at the University of 
Texas at  Austin, provided one day of classroom  instruction and a day at the 
cemetery for  on-site demonstrations. Despite the scorching  weather, 
participants gained hands-on practice  in conducting inspections, gentle 
cleaning,  applying protective wax to bronze, graffiti  removal, temporary masonry 
repointing, and metal  repainting. Click _here_ 
9ce0dc217c)   to read  more.

MayDay  a Success

Earlier this year,  Heritage Preservation encouraged cultural  institutions 
to do one simple activity for  MayDay, a national campaign to promote 
emergency  preparedness. Twenty-eight cultural institutions  shared their 
activities, which included facility  tours and disaster supply inventories. See 
what  everyone did _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=d84938e05c&e=9ce0dc217c) . 
CAP  Application

Applications for the  2013 Conservation Assessment Program (CAP) will  be 
available October 1, 2012.The postmark  deadline for applications is Monday, 
December 3,  2012. To be added to the CAP application mailing  list or for 
more information, _email_ (mailto:cap at heritagepreservation.org)  the CAP 
staff or  call 202-233-0800. Learn more about CAP _here_ 
62&e=9ce0dc217c) . 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=8c4e37e519&e=9ce0dc217c) Resources for Flooding and  Fire 
In response to widespread  flooding and fires across the country in recent  
months, Heritage Preservation has crafted  disaster-specific resources to 
aid cultural  institutions in recovery. Resources for _flood_ 
=9250b1c595&e=9ce0dc217c)  recovery and _fire_ 
9ce0dc217c)  recovery can be found on  Heritage Preservation's website. In 
addition, 75  copies of the publication _Guide to Navigating FEMA and SBA  
Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions_ 
c)  were  provided to FEMA for distribution in Florida to  cultural 
institutions affected by  flooding. 

Help Heritage Preservation Meet a  Challenge  
The Bay and Paul  Foundations have awarded a major challenge grant to  
build Heritage Preservation’s financial base.  We  need your help to match this 
grant and strengthen  Heritage Preservation’s long-term future.  To  
contribute and become a Preservation Partner,  click _here_ 
9a&e=9ce0dc217c)  or  call 202-233-0800 for additional information.


(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=c4e3cbee1a&e=9ce0dc217c) Connecting to  Collections: 
Continuing Conversation  Exchange
Heritage Preservation is  assisting the _Texas  State Library and Archives 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=0cbe6bb2a8&e=9ce0dc217c)  on its _IMLS_ 
b972&id=d35a30c0e7&e=9ce0dc217c)   Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian 
Continuing Education  grant for the Connecting to Collections:  Continuing 
Conversation Exchange. This project  includes a series of in-person and online 
meetings so  that recipients of the Connecting to  Collections Statewide 
Planning and Implementation  grant may share the results of their projects and  
learn from one another.

Registration is now  open for the _2012  Connecting to Collections 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=381142572d&e=9ce0dc217c)  to be held  at the _American  
Association for State and Local History_ 
c)  (AASLH)  Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. It will begin with a  
full-day preconference on Wednesday, October 3, 2012  and will feature 
presentations on building regional  networks, disaster planning exercises, and a  
discussion on how to sustain the Connecting to  Collections state projects into 
the future.  Participants will also learn about the preservation  efforts at 
Salt Lake City’s new Church History Library  facility. In addition, two 
Connecting to  Collections Exchange sessions will take place  during the AASLH 
meeting on October 4 and 5. Click _here_ 
7c)   for more information or contact _Kristen  Laise_ 
(mailto:klaise at heritagepreservation.org) . 

(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=1de065afe1&e=9ce0dc217c) A Year Later: The C2C Online  
In  our Spring 2011 Update, we announced the public launch  of the 
_Connecting to Collections Online  Community_ 
) . One year later, the Community has  blossomed to 1,631 members and 
nearly 100 unique  discussion topics. The community was created to  connect staff 
at small museums, archives, and  libraries with each other and with solid 
collections  care information. The Online Community has thrived  thanks in 
large part to the professionals who have  lent their expertise to group 
discussions and more  than 20 interactive live chat events ranging in topics  from 
the care of plastics to collections security.  Thank you to all who have 
helped make the C2C Online  Community a valued resource. We look forward to  
watching the Community grow and hope you will join  us.

(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=0a0857412e&e=9ce0dc217c) Alliance for Response on  
As part of the latest NEH-funded  Alliance for Response (AFR) initiative, 
Heritage  Preservation is creating an Online Resource Center  that will offer 
more than the existing _Tool Kit_ 
to enable disaster networks  to share and borrow ideas, explore best 
practices, and  learn from one another. An IdeaScale website has been  set up to 
gather suggestions from AFR stakeholders.  Not an AFR stakeholder? No 
problem! Visit the _IdeaScale Alliance for Response  Community_ 
41e545c4b972&id=36a5d7361f&e=9ce0dc217c) , delve into the topics (called  campaigns), and 
contribute your comments. But don’t  wait too long. This site will only be up 
until August  10. We’ll summarize the ideas in August and launch  into 
designing a platform that addresses your most  important priorities.

(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=51ffa6880f&e=9ce0dc217c) CAP on the Road: AASLH Annual  
Meeting in Salt Lake City
CAP will be  represented at the upcoming AASLH Annual Meeting in  Salt Lake 
City. On October 5, Kristen Laise, Vice  President for Collections Care 
Programs, will speak  about CAP in the session "Your Turn: Answers about the  
StEPs, MAP, and CAP Assessment Programs." This session  will assist museums 
in determining what program is  right for them and how to participate.

Heritage Preservation Staff  News
Heritage Preservation  bid farewell to Elsa Huxley, director of  
communications, after four years of loyal service.  Jenny Wiley, formerly the program 
assistant for  Emergency Programs, will assume her duties as the new  
coordinator of communications and online  learning.

Heritage Preservation is pleased to  announce the addition of Lindsay 
McCook, the new  program assistant for Emergency Programs. Lindsay has  
first-hand experience in cultural heritage emergency  response, having worked with 
AmeriCorps in New Orleans  post-Katrina. 

Additional  Announcements
    *   Heritage Preservation  and the College Art Association invite 
nominations  for the 2013 Award for Distinction in Scholarship  and Conservation. 
The award recognizes an  outstanding contribution by one or more persons 
who,  individually or jointly, have enhanced understanding  of art through the 
application of knowledge and  experience in conservation, art history, and 
art.  Nominations must be received by August 31, 2012. To  learn more about 
this award click _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=2b583cf957&e=9ce0dc217c) .  
    *   IMLS will be accepting nominations through  October 15, 2012 for 
the _2013 National Medal for Museum and  Library Service_ 
9a2579&e=9ce0dc217c) , the nation’s highest honor for  museums and 
    *   Nominations are sought for the joint  AIC/Heritage Preservation 
Ross Merrill Award for  Outstanding Commitment to the Preservation and Care  of 
Collections. Nominations are due by December 15,  2012. For more 
information, click _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=dd0ebccb5f&e=9ce0dc217c) .   
    *   Be a part of the 41st AIC Annual Meeting in  Indianapolis. Submit 
an abstract by September 10 to  be considered. Learn more _here_ 
id=2ff81edd3c&e=9ce0dc217c) . 
Welcome New Heritage  Preservation Members!
    *   _New River Heritage Coalition_ 
7c) ,  Blacksburg, VA 
Click _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=a850bd3639&e=9ce0dc217c)  to  view our full 
list of members.  To join Heritage  Preservation, click _here_ 
d=cf602a02f7&e=9ce0dc217c) .

Grant  Roundup
    *   _NEH America's Historical and Cultural  Organizations: Planning  
Deadline: August 15, 2012  
    *   _NEH America's Historical and Cultural  Organizations: 
Implementation  Grants_ 
Deadline: August 15, 2012  
    *   _NEH America's Media Makers:  Development Grants_ 
Deadline: August 15,  2012  
    *   _NEH Fellowship Programs at Independent  Research Institutions_ 
Deadline: August  16, 2012  
    *   _NHPRC State and National Archival  Partnership (SNAP) Grants_ 
Deadline:  September 6, 2012  
    *   _IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian  Program_ 
Deadline: September 17, 2012  
    *   _NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up  Grants_ 
Deadline: September 25, 2012  
    *   _NHPRC Documenting Democracy: Access to  Historical Records 
Deadline:  October 4, 2012  
    *   _NHPRC Innovation in Archives and  Documentary Editing_ 
Deadline: October  4, 2012


Find us on _Facebook_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=3fbe9a4030&e=9ce0dc217c) !

Heritage  Preservation_ 
1012 14th St., NW,  Suite 1200
Washington, DC  20005

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