[Nhcoll-l] Advice on getting rid of the scammer "Dr. Rehmani"?

Brian Sidlauskas brian.sidlauskas at oregonstate.edu
Wed May 9 12:30:22 EDT 2012

Hi Folks,

As I know many of you are aware, there's a biological supply house in 
Jhansi, India that sends out emails under the name of "Dr. Rehmani" and 
the fictitious institution of the "Museum of Life-Science" in an attempt 
to get people to donate specimens for educational purposes, which they 
then resell.    They're apparently active again, and have been targeting 
Oregon State's collections this week.   Be warned if you also get a 
message from them. There's more documentation on the nature of the scam 
back in the archives of this list.

In my immediate case, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on 
getting these guys to go away.  So far I've been ignoring them, but 
someone who wasn't aware of the scam recommended that they talk with me, 
and now I'm beginning to get daily emails from them.  "Dr. Rehmani" is 
nothing if not persistent.

Thanks for any advice,

-- Brian



Brian Sidlauskas
Assistant Professor
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
104 Nash Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-3803

Voice: 541-737-1939
Fax: 541-737-3590
Email: brian.sidlauskas at oregonstate.edu
Web: http://people.oregonstate.edu/~sidlausb/

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