[Nhcoll-l] bounced e-mails

Watkins-Colwell, Gregory gregory.watkins-colwell at yale.edu
Wed May 16 08:55:19 EDT 2012

I just wanted to take a moment to update folks on the transition to mailman from listproc.  Things have progressed nicely.  One of the things I've noticed from this side is just how many e-mail addresses that were on the old listproc are in fact dead addresses.  Many may have had automatic forwarding so that the user didn't notice anything.  But I am getting a dozen or more "excessive or fatal bounces" messages per day with the automatic response to disable the subscription.

SO... if you know somebody in your institute who thinks they are subscribed to NHCOLL-L touch base with them to see if they are getting messages from NHCOLL-L.  it is possible that they are among those with "excessive or fatal bounces" and they may not even know it.


PS  the web page at SPNHC devoted to NHCOLL-L will be updated soon with the new subscription information.

Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell
Collection Manager, Herpetology and Ichthyology
Division of Vertebrate Zoology
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
170 Whitney Avenue, Box 208118
New Haven, CT  06520
203/432-3791  or    fax: 203/432-2874

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