[Nhcoll-l] Call for SE GSA Session Abstracts - Geological Collections and Museums in the Southeastern U.S.

Sarah Timm stimm10 at vt.edu
Tue Dec 10 11:33:30 EST 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Session Chairs Dr. Jim Beard, Llyn Sharp, and myself invite you personally
to present at this year’s Southeastern Regional Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting under our session titled “*Hidden Gems: Geological
Collections and Museums in the Southeastern U.S.”*

The Southeast has a number of “hidden gems,” geological collections which
until now have been difficult, if not impossible, to access. Some of these
collections belong to larger institutions where geosciences, and especially
geoscience collections, are not the main focus. This session will discuss
the challenges and successes for uncovering these “hidden gems.” It will
address specifically how these collections and their associated information
can be made more accessible to scientists, educators, and the public
through web interfaces and digital cataloging tools like EGEMS.

Whether your geological materials are meticulously organized and digitally
cataloged with easy public access, or in such disarray you wouldn't even
know where to begin to look for a particular specimen, *we want you!* We
want to know what works, what doesn't, and what innovative ideas are out
there for increasing access and usability to all of our “hidden gems”. The
beauty of the world we live in now is the ease in which we can share
information and we do hope you are able to share your stories, however,
even if you aren't able to present this year, please do try to attend
because this session is for all of us, and will hopefully be the beginning
of a much larger initiative to use today’s technology to bring our
collections out of hibernation and into a vibrant new world!

This year’s meeting will be held on April 10-11 in Blacksburg, VA at the
Inn and Conference center at Virginia Tech. If interested please visit
https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2014SE/cfp.epl to submit an abstract. *The
deadline for abstract submission is January 7.* If you have any questions
please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you, and apologies for any cross-posting.

Sarah Timm

* Geological Collections & Database Specialist, Virginia Museum of Natural
HistoryMS in Geosciences with Focus on Geological Collections
ManagementPhone: 845-774-9994*
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