[Nhcoll-l] Join the Entomological Society of Washington

Shelah pangonid at gmail.com
Fri Dec 20 14:16:07 EST 2013

*Love bugs, or just bug geeks? *

*Join the Entomological Society of Washington
<http://entsocwash.org/default.asp> for only $30 a year. *

We meet monthly in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (NMNH) and
welcome anyone interested in entomology.

Benefits include:

1) A chance to visit the NMNH after hours and meet local natural history
2) A quarterly journal<http://entsocwash.org/default.asp?Action=Show_Proceedings>
3) Occasional family movie nights
4) Field trips with our Young Entomologist's Group (more
info<David.Adamski at ars.usda.gov>
5) Monthly email newsletter with info on local natural history happenings
6) Invitation to our annual banquet at the Woodend Nature
7) Knowledge that your $30 is supporting our new, $3000 annual student award

All this for the price of a dinner out in DC!

Visit the website at this
link<http://entsocwash.org/default.asp?Action=Show_Membership> to
renew and pay your dues online using PayPal.

To pay by check, please include the attached dues form and send to:

Dr. Abigail Kula <abigailkula at gmail.com>
Treasurer, ESW
8305 Mary Lee Lane
Laurel, MD 20723

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shelah Morita, PhD <pangonid at gmail.com>
Media and Communications Officer
Entomological Society of Washington
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