[Nhcoll-l] optimal temperature

Doug Yanega dyanega at ucr.edu
Thu Mar 14 12:27:22 EDT 2013

On 3/14/13 9:12 AM, Marcela Cosarinsky wrote:
> Hi All,
> What temperature would you recommend for the best conservation of 
> biological collections kept in liquids (alcohol, formalin), squeletons 
> and embalmed animals?
The *ideal* temperatures are certainly lower than would be comfortable 
for people trying to work in the collections (and cooling is expensive, 
in a roughly asymptotic fashion), so the *practical* solution is to go 
as low as one can afford *and* still not make it impossible for curators 
to spend time in the collection area. Given the need for a cost 
assessment, and compatibility with existing infrastructure, there is no 
one temperature that will be ideal in every institution; Buenos Aires 
has a very different climate from Fairbanks or Cairo.
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