Jean-Marc Gagnon JGagnon at mus-nature.ca
Fri Nov 1 16:02:48 EDT 2013

Sent on behalf of the 2014 SPNHC Local Organizing Committee:


The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) is pleased to announce the Fitzgerald Travel Grant Program, designed to assist members with the costs of attending the Society's annual meeting.

Grants will be available for attendance at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Society in Cardiff, Wales (UK), June 23-28, 2014. A total of $3,000 has been allocated to the program and grants will be for a minimum of $750 USD each. The deadline for application is 1 March 2014. Some conditions apply.

More details will also be available on the conference website as soon as it is up and running. Check back at http://www.spnhc.org for updates.

For specific questions, you can also contact Julian Carter (2014 Local Organizing Committee) Julian.Carter at museumwales.ac.uk<mailto:Julian.Carter at museumwales.ac.uk>; please indicate 'Fitzgerald Travel Grant Application' in the subject line).


Frogs - A Chorus of Colours<http://nature.ca/en/plan-your-visit/what-see-do/our-exhibitions/frogs-chorus-colours?utm_source=Email+Signature+English+Text&utm_medium=CMN+Email&utm_campaign=Frogs>      Des grenouilles hautes en couleur<http://nature.ca/fr/planifiez-votre-visite/voir-faire-musee/expositions/grenouilles-hautes-en-couleur?utm_source=Email+Signature+French+Text&utm_medium=CMN+Email&utm_campaign=Frogs>
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